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Warranty Registration

Warranty Registration

NOTICE:  Before proceeding with your warranty registration, please read our Privacy Policy to learn how the information you provide may be used, stored, or shared. If you proceed with your warranty registration, you are providing us your consent to collect, store, use, and share the information you provide in the manner specified in our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy, do not complete your your warranty registration.

Click here to read ElectroSea’s Limited Warranty Terms & Conditions.

Product Period Coverage
ElectroStrainer Pro, ElectroStrainer, or ClearLine Two years Parts and Labor
ElectroStrainer Sport One year Parts Only*
SeaStrong Silver Bullet RDP Two years Parts and Labor
SeaStrong or SeaStrong Silver Bullet (when used with ElectroStrainer or ClearLine) Two years when used with an ElectroStrainer or ClearLine System that includes a chlorinated return line plumbed at or before the sea strainer and SeaStrong Pump Parts and Labor
SeaStrong or SeaStrong Silver Bullet One year when not used with an ElectroStrainer or ClearLine System Parts and Labor

*Covers the cost of replacement parts only. Any associated labor costs, if applicable, are not included.