Keep Your A/C Cool

Never descale again

Prevent marine growth in your air conditioning sea strainer and seawater lines

ElectroStrainer® is the world’s only all-in-one smart biofouling-prevention system with integrated sea strainer for boats. ElectroStrainer replaces your existing sea strainer and prevents marine growth through all seawater lines by generating a precise, low level of chlorine directly inside its strainer basket. The award-winning ElectroStrainer combines four components: a smart control and flow-monitoring system, an innovative biofouling prevention device, a hydrodynamic sea strainer, and a remote display (optional on ElectroStrainer Sport models).

dirty sea strainer basket and seawater pipes not treated with ElectroStrainer
clean sea strainer basket and seawater pipes treated with ElectroStrainer

Pro or Sport: Marine growth prevention that’s right for you

ElectroSea® offers two options for all-in-one marine growth prevention – ElectroStrainer® Pro and ElectroStrainer® Sport.

ElectroStrainer Pro

ElectroSea ElectroStrainer Pro ES-150-PRO marine growth prevention system

New build or refit

Professional dealer installation

ElectroStrainer Sport

Refit only

DIY self-installation

ElectroStrainer Pro is our premium marine growth prevention system. ElectroStrainer Pro is available in four strainer inlet/outlet sizes and is engineered for exceptional performance. Backed by professional installation and a 2-year parts-and-labor warranty, ElectroStrainer Pro is the ideal choice for those seeking the ultimate in quality and reliability. ElectroStrainer Pro is available both for new build and refit installations.

50' Princess Yacht
Yacht interior
90' Viking Sportfishing Yacht

Strainer inlet/outlet sizes

1″ NPT

Optimal flow:
3-12 gpm

1.25″ NPT

Optimal flow:
6-17 gpm

1.5″ NPT

Optimal flow:
12-30 gpm

2″ NPT

Optimal flow:
20-40 gpm

ElectroStrainer Sport is designed for those looking for an entry-level, refit option. ElectroStrainer Sport is available in two strainer inlet/outlet sizes and features an advanced glass fiber-reinforced composite canister. Designed for easy self-installation, ElectroStrainer Sport comes with a 1-year parts warranty, making it ideal for budget-conscious consumers looking to experience the benefits of ElectroStrainer at an affordable price.

outboard boat
catamaran in Mexico
55' Valhalla

Strainer inlet/outlet sizes

1″ NPT

Optimal flow:
3-12 gpm

1.25″ NPT

Optimal flow:
6-17 gpm

Compare ElectroStrainer Pro and ElectroStrainer Sport

ElectroStrainer® Pro ElectroStrainer® Sport
Marine Growth Prevention
Internal Strainer
Remote Display optional (ordered separately)
Warranty 2 years (parts and labor) 1 year (parts only)
Support on-site, phone and online online only
Canister 2205 stainless-steel alloy glass fiber composite
Strainer Inlet/Outlet Sizes 1″, 1.25″, 1.5″ and 2″ 1″ and 1.25″
Installation dealer/OEM installation self-installation
Application new build and refit refit only
ElectroStrainer® Pro
Marine Growth Prevention
Internal Strainer
Remote Display
Warranty 2 years (parts and labor)
Support on-site, phone and online
Canister 2205 stainless-steel alloy
Strainer Inlet/Outlet Sizes 1″, 1.25″, 1.5″ and 2″
Installation dealer/OEM installation
Application new build and refit
ElectroStrainer® Sport
Marine Growth Prevention
Internal Strainer
Remote Display optional (ordered separately)
Warranty 1 year (parts only)
Support online only
Canister glass fiber composite
Strainer Inlet/Outlet Sizes 1″ and 1.25″
Installation self-installation
Application refit only

We'll help you select an ElectroStrainer for your boat's air conditioners and chillers.

Technology triumphs

ElectroStrainer creates an environment where marine growth simply can’t live. As seawater enters the boat, the patented electrochlorination system generates a safe and effective low level of chlorine, about the same amount as found in tap drinking water, in its strainer basket. No chemical additives or acids required. Treated seawater flows through the entire cooling system. Your lines remain free of marine growth, strainers stay clean longer, and you’ll never have to acid descale again. Period!

ElectroStrainer Chlorine Generation

Replace your existing sea strainer with ElectroStrainer

ElectroStrainer is available for new build or refit boats and fits center consoles, cruisers, sportfishers, sailboats, and superyachts. Installation is straightforward and can be completed while the boat is in the water. The ElectroStrainer Canister is plumbed in place of a traditional sea strainer and the integrated Control Head is connected to 12- or 24-VDC power.

seawater cooling system diagram

Select an ElectroStrainer that replaces your existing A/C sea strainer. ElectroStrainer fits center consoles, cruisers, sportfishers, sailboats, and superyachts.

1″ NPT (DN25)

Optimal Flow: 3-12 gpm

Min/Max Flow: 3-20 gpm

1.25″ NPT (DN32)

Optimal Flow: 6-17 gpm

Min/Max Flow: 4-30 gpm

1.5″ NPT (DN40)

Optimal Flow: 12-30 gpm

Min/Max Flow: 8-50 gpm

2″ NPT (DN50)

Optimal Flow: 20-40 gpm

Min/Max Flow: 10-75 gpm

1″ NPT (DN25)

Optimal Flow: 3-12 gpm

Min/Max Flow: 3-20 gpm

1.25″ NPT (DN32)

Optimal Flow: 6-17 gpm

Min/Max Flow: 4-30 gpm